It’s high time to burn down the dream.
On March 30th, Neptune, our planet of dreams and drugs, collective consciousness, divine inspiration and dangerous delusions, is making a once-in-a-generation shift into the cardinal fires of Aries.
Neptune in astrology
Neptune, named for the god of horses, rivers and seas, is a slow-moving outer planet, meaning its energy is felt across a generation and beyond the realm of the individual.
It takes 165 years for the planet to transit the entire zodiac, and it spends roughly 14 years in each sign.
Neptune will move into Aries on March 30th where the planet will remain until October 22, 2025. Neptune will then backslide into Pisces until January 26, 2026, when it will settle in for a long infernal reign in Aries that extends until March 23, 2039.
Neptune in Aries 2025
Author and tarot reader Kerry Ward tells The Post, “This is a revolutionary and reinventive phase where you’ll feel a mysterious (everything about Neptune is mysterious, tbh…) pull to align yourself with a higher purpose, calling, or consciousness.”
Ward notes that it is essential to keep a written record of the downloads and flashes of genius that come to you during this time. In short, she says, “Let nothing go to waste.”
Ward maintains that there is no finer time than this electric transit to connect with your higher self.
What is your higher self?
“We each have three selves: a lower, middle and higher self. The lower self is primal, animalistic, emotional and connected to the Earth and ancestors. The middle self is the one we occupy daily- the realm of the rational mind. Meanwhile, the higher self is spiritual, eternal, divine, part of a collective consciousness.”
Ward explains that the higher self exists beyond the bounds of mortality, and when we die, this self returns to the collective, immortal human experience.
“The higher self is beyond ego; it collects wisdom and discoveries about the human experience, which it offers back to the divine source, to the repository of wisdom and knowledge. When we are in phases of growth, service, creativity and sacrifice, we are working closest with our higher self.”
Neptune in Aries meaning
Ward notes that Neptune’s move into Aries, the first sign in the zodiac, initiates a brand new astrological cycle. “THIS is the season to enjoy a spiritual awakening and feel more aligned with the collective
divine consciousness. This is a time to rise!”
In the spirit of rising, Ward has provided a Neptune in Aries tarot card pull for each sign!
Read on, right on.
To book a tarot reading with Kerry, see here.
For Post readers who would like to lean in and learn more with insights, forecasts and predictions, Ward is offering a free month of membership to her Tarot Club.
Fire signs – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Ward shared that Fire signs are naturally equipped to function as guardians, protectors and warriors, roles that are invoked by the Justice card.
“You are being called by Justice to right a wrong in your family/circle/workplace/community, to be a voice for those who can’t speak up, to defend a niche or cause or principle under threat. Never stay silent when you could speak out, nor turn away when you could help. Channel that power now and access the
divine by serving a true and just objective that will make your corner of Earth a little better.”
Earth signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Ward says blessed be the earth signs who are poised to experience a spiritual awakening when Neptune enters Aries, a third eye-opening that’s represented by the High Priestess Card.
“This powerful event will make you sensitive, inspired, moody and judgmental towards who feel petty, cruel, or selfish. You will burn with curiosity to explore theories, ideas and schools of thought related to philosophy, human potential, progress, what lies beneath and beyond our everyday experience, etc.
Embrace this awakening by reading, learning and testing different ideas and practices.”
For earth signs that want a deeper dive and a clearer calling, Ward recommends a Psychic
Power reading.
Air signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Air signs are dealt a dose of power in the from of the Strength card, a symbol of steadfastness in the face of demons and/or adversity.
“Strength is a powerful major arcana card that offers you wisdom, self-confidence and assurance so long as you are willing to face the more troubling aspects of your nature. Rising to meet your higher self will happen when you kick this dead weight away. Shadow work is the fastest and most effective way to heal your psyche. My Unleash Your Shadow Self Journal takes you through this powerful process of becoming.”
Water signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Built for feeling and for holding on, Ward says water signs will meet their higher selves through the painful but purposeful practice of release.
“You are severing cords with things, roles, people and activities that feel outdated, belonging to an ‘old you,’ or are thwarting your progress or growth. Mentally, emotionally, and physically, clearing will create space for new energy and ideas, which will flow from June to October. My Unseen Forces reading can help show you what’s unfolding.”
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.
Read the full article here