Web Stories Sunday, March 30

Beginning March 27th, Venus, our planet of love, attachment, assets, and aesthetics, will move out of the hellfires of Aries — and continue its retrograde in the glitter gutter of Pisces.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, meaning it is primed to let its love light shine — and more likely to fall prey to delusions and the desire to hold on tight and hopeful to toxic partners and patterns.

Venus in Pisces is a ‘hearts dancing in our eyes,’ drunk on the dream and high on the fumes of fantasy type that sees the best — even, and especially — in the worst type of partner.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, meaning it is primed to let its love light shine — and more likely to fall prey to delusions and the desire to hold on tight and hopeful to toxic partners and patterns. Josh – stock.adobe.com

In these waters and the Year of the Snake, the time is nigh to shed the dead, cut the cords, and break free.

The brilliant astrologer Babs Cheung tells The Post, “Venus Pisces is dreamy and romantic, but with its retrograde motion, the illusions and delusions will be dispelled.”

Venus Mercury retrograde

Cheung shared that because this retrograde is coupled with the tail end of Eclipse season and Mercury retrograde, “even more secrets will be revealed, leaving many with heartaches or opportunities to make bonds even stronger because you face the music together.” 

When is Venus retrograde over / when does Venus retrograde end

Venus ends its retrograde on April 12th, 2025, at 24° of Pisces. But remember — we aren’t out of the woods or romantic swamp until Venus clears its post-retrograde shadow on May 16th.

Venus retrograde breakups

If you’re inclined to throw in the towel or set fire to the bridge between you and your beloved over the next few weeks, Cheung stresses the importance of reflection versus rash action.

“If you feel like calling it quits, it’s a good time to seek out couples therapy and hold off on making rash and final decisions, as couples who break up during retrogrades will have a higher chance of yo-yo-ing back together after much clarity has revealed truths,” she said.

Venus retrograde is rightfully known as the season of the ex. Under the heady, optimistic influence of Pisces, the door is open for broken wings, tearful apologies and questionable claims of change.

Starting a relationship during Venus retrograde

Venus is the planet of love and attraction, and her retrograde is known as the ‘season of the ex.’ Egor Mayer – stock.adobe.com

“Heart-led Pisces like to see the good in everyone, and when an ex comes back claiming they’ve changed, it is easy to put on rose-colored glasses and take them at face value. Only time will tell if this is true or not,” she told The Post.

Rather than rushing into a reunion, Cheung advises spending the remainder of this retrograde honestly reflecting on the relationship — and how you felt during the first rodeo.

“Was it good or bad? Would you want a do-over with the risk of returning to the worst case? Think about it deeply, but wait until after these planets go direct to make your decision,” she said.

Cheung says five signs will feel the effects of Venus retrograde in Pisces more than others. Read for your sun and rising sign.

Venus retrograde tarot spread

For further insights into how this transit will affect your zodiac sign, see our Venus retrograde tarot spread.

Daria – stock.adobe.com

For Aries folk, Venus retrograde in Pisces lights up their twelfth house of the unconscious mind and hidden enemies.

Cheung told The Post, “All hidden fears regarding love, self-worth, and core values will resurface. It’s a necessary time to process through inner child healing work or shadow integration. It’s a good time to process inadequacies that may arise like imposter syndrome or reasons for holding back in relationships or life.”

Daria – stock.adobe.com

For Cancer folk, Cheung shared, “You’re about to learn major love lessons and what makes a relationship work beyond comfort and into deeper, dark emotional waters. Letting someone into who you are beneath your hardened shell may be the most significant risk you have to take.”

Daria – stock.adobe.com

This retrograde hits hard and comes correct with the team cuts in Virgo’s seventh house of partnerships.

“For Virgo, relationships will go through a serious audit leading to necessary energetic budget cuts of what’s essential within relationships. With the eclipse in Virgo, nothing can get past Virgo’s discernment.”

Daria – stock.adobe.com

Scorpions will see their relationship to pleasure, play, and permanence come under review during Venus’s retrograde in Pisces.

Cheung shared, “For Scorpio, the 5th house of creativity and romance will be under great scrutiny. Whoever isn’t in the relationship for keeps is a goner.”

Daria – stock.adobe.com

As this retrograde focuses on the first house of the self for Pisces, Cheung explains, “Self-worth and prioritization will be the primary factors for deciding whether or not to continue relationships. During this transit, Pisces will review their core values, leaning away from the usual MO of sacrificing for the sake of others.” 

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Read the full article here


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