Credits: Unsplash
Credits: Unsplash
Popcorn has been enjoyed for thousands of years. The oldest popcorn was discovered in a cave in New Mexico.
Credits: Unsplash
The hard shell of the kernel traps moisture inside it. When heated, this moisture turns into steam, building pressure until the kernel bursts.
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Popcorn is a naturally gluten-free whole grain, packed with fibre, vitamins, and antioxidents.
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Popcorn became synonymous with movie theatres during the Great Depression due to its affordability and quick preparation.
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When kernels pop, they can jump upto 3 feet in the air, caused by the release of pressure and heat.
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With Japan's soy sauce popcorn to Mexico's chilli powder seasoning, countries across the world put their own spin on pocorn.
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The world's largest popcorn ball was made in 2016 in USA and weighed 9,370 pounds.
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Kernals that don't have enough moisture to turn into heat fail to pop.
Credits: Unsplash
Which one of these popcorn facts surprised you the most?