Credits: Instagram/@digvijaylifestyle
Love taking shots? We have found a ‘shot’ recipe that your body will thank you for!
Credits: Canva
Digital creator and health coach Digvijay Singh (@digvijaylifestyle) shared an easy and healthy Jigar Bomb Shots recipe that is made with all things amazing.
According to Digvijay, these shots are packed with antioxidants, are good for your liver and amazing for your skin!
1-2 lemon 2-3 amla 1 whole lemon rind 1 raw turmeric 500ml water 2-3 orange 1 tsp honey ⅓ tsp black pepper
Credits: Canva
1. Add lemon, amla, lemon rind, raw turmeric, orange juice, honey, and black pepper to the blender.
2. Then, add water and mix it well.
3. Sieve the drink and make sure to squeeze out all the juice from the pulp. 4. Transfer to a glass container.
And that’s it! Take a shot of these Jigar Bomb Shots every day and see the magic!