This 3-Ingredient  Ice-Cream Popcorn Is The Perfect Post-Meal Sweet Treat; Recipe Inside

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram

Neha Has A Fun Recipe 

MasterChef India's Neha Deepak Shah shared a fun recipe for Ice Cream Popcorn and it looks yum! 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram


-Vanilla Ice Cream -Rise Krispies -Melted Chocolate (Milk or White)

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram

Step 1  

First scoop vanilla ice cream and little scoops to small moulds and let this freeze. 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram

Then, melt white chocolae and milk chocolate and add Rice Krispies to the bowls of melted chocolate. 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram

Step 2  

Give this a good mix till the Rise Krispies have combined well with the melted chocolate. 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram

Step 3

Remove the scoops of ice cream from the freezer and add them to the melted chocolate with crisps. Let them be coated well. 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram

Step 4

Finally add the ice cream balls coated with melted chocolate back into the freezer and your Ice Cream Popcorn is ready in no time! 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram

Step 5

When are you going to make this fun sweet treat? 

Credits: nehadeepakshah/ Instagram