Web Stories Saturday, July 27

Disturbing video footage shows up the moment a crazed woman hit a man with her car — then backed over him, before getting and kissing his lifeless body then stabbing him repeatedly.

The suspect has been identified by authorities as 20-year-old Karon Fisher, who is reportedly a transgender woman.

Steven Anderson, 64, was on his way to pick up the mail in his Houston neighborhood on May 3 when a white vehicle sped down the road and appeared to swerve in order to strike him, footage obtained by Eyewitness News showed.

The car then reserved and struck Anderson a second time, shoving his body further down the street.

Karon Fisher was arrested and charged with murder over the incident. Houston Police Department

Frantic witnesses soon emerged into the frame, some of whom pulled out their phones while another came outside with a pillow, which they appeared to use to cover Anderson’s body.

Suddenly, the driver returned to the scene and flipped Anderson’s body over, straddled him, and kissed him before stabbing him nine times.

Fisher – who was dressed in a black bra and high-waisted black shorts – then tried to get into another car while horrified witnesses looked on, according to cops.

When she was unable to get in the vehicle, she walked over Anderson’s body and left the scene on foot, authorities said.

Fisher was seen returning to the scene and kissing the victim’s body. ABC13

“It’s very disturbing. I have kids here; they could have been out here playing, and imagine them,” one neighbor told Eyewitness News.

“Broad daylight. People around every time and it happened right under our noses,” another added.

Fisher was eventually arrested and charged with murder, evading arrest with a vehicle, and assaulting hospital personnel, according to Harris County records.

Neighbors looked on in horror as Fisher apparently killed the victim. ABC13

The suspect was identified as male on court records, but was referred to as a woman by police, Eyewitness News noted.

At the time of her arrest earlier this month, she was on community supervision for evading arrest in 2023.

Fisher was also charged with prostitution in 2021, but the case was dismissed, Eyewitness News said.

She is due back in court on May 24.

Read the full article here


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